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EPS Facts

What is EPS:

EPS, Expanded Polystyrene, is a rigid, closed cell, thermoplastic foam material produced from solid beads of polystyrene. These beads are polymerized from styrene monomer and contain an expansion gas, pentane, that is dissolved within the polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene was originally developed for general packaging applications and food containers and is easily made into many shapes and sizes that help with the protection of items and keeping products cold due to its insulating capabilities. The material is made up of 98% air, making this a very light-weight option, while also being 100% recyclable.


Why EPS:

EPS packaging meets all international health regulations and doesn’t damage the ozone layer because no CFCS or HCFCS are used during the manufacturing process. As an insulator, EPS offers significant reductions in heating and cooling while reducing the emissions of polluting gases and is typically a natural choice for strength, protection, price, and versatility when it comes to product packaging. Below are more reasons why people choose EPS over other packaging materials:

·       Versatility in material densities, part changes, design, and production options

·       Low cost – little set-up, most cost-effective foam available

·       Light weight – reduces shipping costs

·       Exceptional shock absorption

·       Reduces damages and replacement costs

·       Low abrasion

·       Water, mold/bacterial, and pest resistant – making it safe for food contact

Use at EFP:

This material is most common around EFP as most of our customers prefer EPS for their products. The low-cost material and the protection that expanded polystyrene provides, due to its cushioning capabilities, impresses our customers. This cushioning supports the life cycle of our customers products from the manufacturing process to their consumers’ homes. Not only is EPS used for protective packaging of products and cold chain solutions, but it is also used as a component to multiple industry’s products.

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